Astrology Jewelry

Jewelry has a decorative function, but it can also help us balance our energies when we use the appropriate gemstones.
Gemstones are wonderful gifts from nature with amazing properties that help us bring balance to our chakras and emphasize certain energies depending on their composition / vibration. As many other tools used to help us develop our potential, crystals can be used to support our will in our evolutionary path.
What are the benefits of wearing Astrology Jewelry?
You can benefit by wearing the gems that are related to the Zodiac signs highlighted in your birth chart or by incorporating the energies that you need to accentuate at certain point in time. Whether you need to balance or counteract certain tendency, the appropriate crystals can supplement your conscious efforts and it is all coded in your birth chart!

Each person has different needs at different moments, depending on the energies activated in the birth chart (by transit, solar return, etc): one day you may need to emphasize one part of your personality and a week later you may need to neutralize a troublesome aspect. Depending on your birth chart, your needs/objectives at a certain time and your aesthetic preferences, you may want to combine different gemstones in a piece of jewelry or have different pieces that you can use alternately; I can guide you to decide what are the best options for you.
My Astrology Jewelry is all about wearing gemstones and symbols that are in tune with a particular astrological configuration (earrings, bracelets as well as necklaces with different gemstones and metals). All jewellery pieces are handmade by me and all gemstones are natural.
AstralElisa's store

Do you live in the Ottawa region? do not hesitate to contact me to make an appointment in order to see the pieces that interest you or to discuss your case.
I can design something specially to suit your needs and budget.