
An eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when a star is hidden in a transitory way by the interposition of another celestial body; this way the first object seems to have "disappeared" partially or totally for a certain period of time.
Eclipses can happen in various systems where a planet has at least one moon and the interposition can occur in different ways: the interposition of the planet in relation to one of its moons, the interposition of one moon in relation to another moon or the interposition of one moon in relation to the planet.
Eclipses that affect us directly are those involving the Earth, the Sun and the Moon, not only from the optical point of view, but because of the influence they have on our lives.
Basically, eclipses in our Earth - Moon system occur when two conditions are met:
*1* The Sun, the Moon and the Earth are aligned.
*2* The Moon is close to the intersection of its own orbital plane with the ecliptic (moon nodes).
It is necessary to review some concepts to better understand the moon nodes subject and condition *2*.
The Earth travels around the Sun and traces an orbit through that journey.
The orbit of the Earth defines a plane named ecliptic.

If we saw the ecliptic plane from the side and we included the Moon and its orbit in the picture, we would see that this satellite crosses the ecliptic plane in two points, named north node and south node

Consequently, condition *2* is met when the Moon is near either or
Solar eclipses
A solar eclipse occurs when:
*1* The Sun, the Moon and the Earth are aligned.
*2* The Moon orbits between the Earth and the Sun very close to one of the moon nodes.

The Sun is in the shadow of the Moon as seen from the Earth when there is New Moon, but there is a solar eclipse only when the Moon is very close to one of the moon nodes. In astrological terms, a New Moon occurs when there is a conjunction between the Moon and the Sun, in other words, they are almost at the same longitude in the same sign of the zodiac.
If we consider the lunation cycle, a solar eclipse occurs during a New Moon, which is the beginning of the waxing phase and marks the initiation of activities, the moment to give the first steps or sowing the seed to be germinated.
Lunar Eclipses
A lunar eclipse occurs when:
*1* The Sun, the Moon and the Earth are aligned.
*2* The Moon stays in the shadow of the Earth in relation to the Sun and the Moon is very close to one of the moon nodes.

The Moon is in the shadow of the Earth as seen from the Sun when there is Full Moon, but there is a lunar eclipse only when the Moon is very close to one of the moon nodes. In astrological terms, a Full Moon occurs when there is an opposition between the Moon and the Sun, in other words, they are almost at the same longitude, but in opposite signs of the zodiac.
If we consider the lunation cycle, a lunar eclipse occurs during a Full Moon, which is the end of the waxing phase and marks the culmination of a process that has been growing, maturing and providing understanding about a life experience.

It is necessary to review the aspects of the luminaries in the birth chart, as well as the their activations by transits, solar returns and progressions at the moment of the eclipse, in order to know the specific effect that an eclipse will have over each person. However, each type of eclipse defines general processes:
* a solar eclipse will tend to promote the beginning of projects/activities in those life areas influenced by the luminaries in the birth chart, according to the aspects they have.
* a lunar eclipse will tend to promote the culmination and/or understanding of the processes experienced in those life areas influenced by the luminaries in the birth chart, according to the aspects they have; sometimes it will cause radical changes and crumble structures as a consequence of the comprehension that has been reached.