Numerological Analysis of the Name
What does your name bring to your life?

Every person's name has an energy which completes hir/her character description as depicted by the birth chart. Likewise, such vibration attracts certain events to the person's life.
Constant repetition of our name, either verbally or by written form, determines the association of its energy to our personality, as well as the tendency to live certain events. Consequently, we could have been registered or baptised with one name, but we may be known by another one ... the name we use the most is the one which prevails in terms of energy.
The numerological analysis of the name allows you to understand certain tendencies which reaffirms or complete what is included in your birth chart. If the name provides a favourable vibration, you will know the advantages it offers, while if the energy associated to that name is not so beneficial, then you will get the opportunity to change the vibration so it can help your development.
I cannot change my name, so why should I be interested in a Numerological Analysis of the Name?
We can make certain alterations to the name by which we are widely known, including the removal or use of a middle name, as well as the use of hyphenated last names, because the name we use the most is the one which prevails in terms of energy.
A Numerological Analysis of the Name for an unborn child
Another important application of the numerological analysis of the name is the study of various names for an unborn child, in order to choose the most favourable vibration.
In the case of a study including various possible names for an unborn child, it is necessary that parents provide the first and middle names they have previously selected, as well as the family name. A numerological analysis of the different variations is done with that information and a report with results, as well as recommendations is delivered (up to five combinations of the name). In certain cases, if the first and middle names chosen by the parents do not bring favourable energies, different new possibilities that combine well energetically with the given name are suggested, in order to facilitate the process to select the name under vibration terms.
What is the process if I want a Numerological Analysis of my Name?
For all other cases, the person should provide his/her complete name, as well as the name he or she is usually known; the numerological analysis is focused in such name, but if that does not provide a favourable vibration, then some suggestions are made based on components of the complete name.